Crucial Living Space in Apartment Rentals

How To / July 24,2013

Renters seeking the right apartment probably have a whole list of criteria for their dream rental. However, there is one crucial living space that most renters will be very specific with for their new home - sufficient room for a couch. The couch is a vital, highly personal piece of furniture. Whether the place is furnished or unfurnished, it should offer sufficient room to fit the tenant's own lounge or sofa.

Other than the bed, there is no other furniture item that offers as much comfort and utility as the couch. Many people have a favourite chair or sofa that they simply cannot do without. A couch is versatile; it can be used as bed, a recliner, and as the seating element for everyday activities such as watching TV, gaming, and reading. An apartment rental may come with quality features such as flooring, counters, and fixtures. However, without sufficient room for a couch tenants have far less scope to personalise and enjoy their new space.

Source: The Chronicle Herald

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