How to Make a Great Living Room

How To / August 21,2013

A warm and inviting home needs a comfortable living room setting to help residents relax and make guests feel welcome. For a nice cup of tea or a bit of quiet time reading a book, residents usually head for the living room. But the living room is also the main point of interaction for social visits and parties. Designing and decorating a living room interior with that versatility in mind is crucial.

The best living rooms have a personal feel to them, and have a few objects with sentimental value added to furnishings for accent. Keeping sentimental items within view infuses an individual personality throughout the space. Use those sentimental items for conversation starters with guests, or keep them for a quiet trip down memory lane. Living room seating needs to provide comfort, and visual appeal. Deep seated armchairs and sofas are always a popular choice. Make use of shawl coverings and pillows on top of the seating to create a sense of harmony in the living room colour scheme.

Source: The Daily Star

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